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Unravelling Human Origins: Exploring Our True Identity and Ancestry

Writer's picture: Michael StewartMichael Stewart

The History of Our Race

Depending of course on where in the world you grew up and went to school, I’m pretty sure you, me and everyone else will have all been taught roughly the same story and timeline of our species, Modern Homo Sapiens. I suspect we can also all remember the basic bits: i.e., Anatomically Modern Humans, emerged in Africa around 300,000 years ago, and apart from doing a bit of walking around Africa, Europe, Asia and Australasia, we basically sat looking out of our caves waiting for something to happen for 290,000 years. At that point, some 12,000 years ago, as the story goes, the last Ice Age ends and humans all over the world abruptly decide to stop walking, settle down in permanent communities and grow things instead. This is commonly known as the Neolithic period.

For the next 6,000 years our modern human ancestors seemingly focused on becoming experts in farming, husbandry and bashing each other over the heads with clubs until suddenly, around 6,000 years ago the first advanced civilizations emerged in Mesopotamia (present day Iraq) and Egypt.

First up were the Sumerians with their great cities of Uruk, Ur, Nippur, Eridu, Kish and Larsa, and their inventions which included cuneiform writing, the wheel, irrigation systems, the plough, the sailboat, mathematics, astronomy, batteries, and the sexagesimal system (which is based on the number 60 and is still used in modern timekeeping). They lasted nearly two thousand years.

The ancient Egyptian civilisation developed around 5,000 years ago along the Nile River in North Africa and are obviously well known for their impressive pyramids, hieroglyphic writing system, sophisticated irrigation, and of course their Pharaohs. Their civilisation spanned an extraordinary 3,000 years.

The Minoans of Crete came along around 4,700 years ago and were famed for their advanced art, architecture, and palaces with complex plumbing systems.

The Indus Valley Civilization developed in the region of present-day Pakistan and India around 4,500 years ago. They are known for their advanced city planning and sanitation systems, as well as their trade networks with other ancient civilizations.

About 4,000 years ago an explosion of new civilisations appeared all over the world. There are far too many to list here, and I’m not even going to try as this isn’t supposed to be a history lesson. I’ll run quickly through some of the key ones though.

The Phoenician civilization emerged in the eastern Mediterranean around 3,500 years ago and thrived for about a thousand years. They were a great seafaring civilisation with skilled sailors and navigators who established a powerful maritime trade network throughout the Mediterranean. They invented the alphabet (which is the basis for many modern writing systems), and colonisation (proving not all inventions are good ones).

The Shang Dynasty developed around the same time, some 3,600 years ago and was the first recorded dynasty in Chinese history. They established themselves along the Yellow River and are known for their advances in bronze metallurgy.

Then we have the Arcadians, the Mycenaeans, the Babylonians, the Hittities, the Persians (which became one of the largest empires in history), the Assyrians and the Ancient Greeks, who are of course remembered for their impressive works of art and architecture.

In North America the Adina, Hopewell and Anasazi, and in South America the amazing Olmec, Chavin, Mayan, Toltec, Nazca, Aztec and Inca civilisations all came and went.

The Nordics, Celts, Goths and Francs in North Western Europe, the Nubian, Noks, Axum, Ghana, Mali and Kush in Africa, the Oxus, Vedic, Maurya, and Gupta in the Indian Continent, the Funan and Khmer in South East Asia, the Xia, Shg, Zhau, Han, Jin, Tang and Mongul dynasties in China, all had their day.

The Roman Civilization, which was the forerunner of much of the modern Europe we see today, really should need no introduction. It established itself around 2,750 years ago in Rome and lasted for about 1,250 years, becoming one of the most powerful empires in history along the way.

Following the Greek and Roman empires which dominated much of the Mediterranean world 2,000 years ago, the rest of modern history can be summed up with the following highlights:

1,500 years ago, the collapse of the Roman Empire marked the beginning of the Middle Ages in Europe.

500 years ago, the Renaissance began in Italy, ushering in a period of renewed interest in art, science, and culture.

300 years ago, the industrial revolution began in Britain, leading to significant advances in technology and the rise of capitalism, spread around the world by courtesy of the British Empire.

110 years ago, World War I began, followed quickly by the Russian Revolution, the rise of fascism in Europe, and World War 1 part two, more commonly known as World War II.

70 years ago, marked the start of the Atomic Age, the Cold War era, the Arms Race, the Space Race, and the modern era of technological and computerised development, global inequality, oppression, famine, obesity, geopolitical tensions (war), and the political madness we live in today.

That was a somewhat condensed version of the history of modern humans. It’s all fact, we have documented everything, and we know all there is to know about our race and where we came from. If I’m honest, that’s what I was taught and what I have always thought. My teachers described with absolute certainty how we started off as apes walking out onto the African savannah and standing up to see over the grass, how we progressed through a variety of Hominid and Homo Erectus species, finally evolving into the tall, erect modern Homo Sapiens we are today (you’ve seen it on the tee shirts so it must be true). They taught how we fought woolly mammoths and sabre tooth tigers, and how we managed to survive long enough until we eventually learned how to plant things and build cities. They would cover the kings, the great battles of history, and how the great pyramid tombs were built as extravagant final resting places by the Pharaohs in Ancient Egypt using nothing more than a few thousand slaves, a lot of ropes, a few pulleys and a ton of logs.

Our history lessons have taught us how in the last few hundred years, modern man eventually developed real intelligence, invented gunpowder, discovered electricity, built factories and slums, invented radio and television, learned how to fly, started global wars, built space rockets, invented computers, MacDonalds, Pepsi and mobile phones until we finally reached the absolute pinnacle of evolution and development that we find ourselves in today, far surpassing the achievements of any other species that has ever lived on planet earth.

I never questioned any of it back then, it was all ‘fact’ as far as I was concerned. But that was back then.

One of the things you discover for yourself over time is that there really are only a few ‘facts’ you can safely rely upon: flat roofs leak eventually, your monthly salary never lasts a month, and politicians, journalists, car salesmen and estate agents lie to you.

You may think me cynical, but one thing life has taught me is to be highly critical about almost all information I receive. For example, it is an unfortunate fact that even the most elementary critical analysis of the mainstream news media that bombards us daily (wherever we live), reveals at best a completely biased opinion, and at worst, outright propaganda and lies. Once you realise your government has lied to you about something (there are many, many examples), you must begin to wonder what else they’ve been telling us that may not be true.

That realisation, which I came to far too late in life, has made me question all that I thought I knew, and it particularly applies to history, my lifelong passion. When you come to realise that the true causes, characters and motivations involved in the start of most of the world’s crisis and conflicts are not what you were taught, that often the players you thought wore the white hats are actually wearing the black variety, and that money, power and greed are the drivers behind most of the bad events in the world today (and likely always have been), it forces you to question everything you thought to be true and wonder why we have been told a particular story, who benefits from it, and what are the real facts.

With that mindset, I have spent the past few years researching events in history that for some reason didn’t feel quite right to me, that the standard narrative seemed a little too trite, too biased in one direction. The results are sometimes jaw dropping, sometimes much worse. I cover some of this research in my other articles, so please look out for those.

At this point I would just like to make it clear that I certainly do not believe my teachers were lying to me. Far from it. They are a product of the same educational system I and everyone else went through. You are taught a certain reality that you simply pass on, unless you decide to take a closer look, as I have done.

Let’s get back to the real point of my story about the origins of modern humans. This is one of those times when I felt the story didn’t add up in some way, it seemed as if large parts were missing, and huge questions remained unanswered.

Archaeologists tell us that those modern humans who emerged from an unknown missing link some 300,000 years ago were basically the same as us in every physical way, including their brain size (we know that from fossil evidence). We showed up as fully modern beings (referred to as anatomically modern humans) and from the fossil record we know that we haven't changed physically in 300 000 years. We are now as we were 300 000 years ago, we didn't evolve gradually over a long period of time, we were wired then as we are now, with all our abilities of speech, imagination and intellectual thought. Our 300,000-year-old ancestors had features just like ours. If you dressed one of them up in trainers, a tee shirt and jeans and walked him or her down Oxford Street, no one would bat an eyelid. Physically their brains were also just as capable as ours. They might not have used the language that we do, might not have had access to the books, films and internet that we do, but they were still inquisitive, intelligent human beings who had challenges they had to face every day and families they loved. Just like us.

We can look at the pictures of these early humans in our history books, dim witted, clothed roughly in animal skins, dirty, wild hair, missing teeth, sitting in a cave or around a fire, struggling to survive. I doubt very much that was the reality. These people lived an extremely healthy existence compared to ours. They were necessarily fit and ate well. They probably didn’t eat three meals a day, but then neither should we. Of course, they had to catch their food and likely faced life threatening challenges from time to time, but think of the other side of that coin, they didn’t have to face the stresses modern life brings, didn’t have to breathe in pollution, didn’t eat manufactured and processed foods, and no drug abuse, no alcohol.

I can hear you say, ‘but what about the fact they only had a lifespan of 30 years, they had no modern medicine to look after them and a broken leg would have been fatal’. That’s another one of those times when we should question what we think we know and try to understand the facts. Many ancient fossils and skeletons are elderly people, and quite a number also have signs of successfully repaired broken limbs which suggests the individual was cared for and lived for many years after the trauma event. Also, we need to remember that fossils of any kind are extremely rare, so our understanding of ancient humans and how they lived is sketchy at best. As for modern medicine, I agree, we haven’t found any evidence yet that they had fully equipped hospitals 300,000 years ago, but we simply don’t know what they did have, and how they looked after themselves. On the subject of modern surgery and medicine, whilst undoubtedly a positive development, it’s also perhaps worth remembering that the third biggest killer in the US today after heart attacks and cancer (both of which could also be attributed to our modern lifestyles) is prescribed medicines.

Given that we know ancient humans had the same brain capacity as ours, why do we believe they remained dumb for 300,000 years? Our own recorded history from the end of the last ice age shows us that we developed from stone age hunter gatherers to flying men to the moon in under 12,000 years. What prompted that sudden change in our development 12,000 years ago, and if our accepted human timeline is to be believed, what stopped it from happening before?

Could other advanced human civilisations have developed over the past 300,000 years and simply disappeared again? It’s not as far-fetched an idea as it seems. 300,000 years is a very, very long time. Certainly long enough for multiple civilisations to develop to an advanced level and disappear again. Well, eight to be precise, based on our own history. Why eight? Let me explain.

We know that our civilisation has developed from hunter gatherer to spaceman in 12,000 years. It also took us that long to learn how to annihilate ourselves with the coming of the nuclear age. So, let’s assume any number of other civilisations could have developed over a similar timescale to a point where they either managed to wipe themselves off the face of the earth, or were somehow destroyed by a natural, global cataclysm. Either way, if such an advanced civilisation had existed, wouldn’t they have left at least some trace of themselves behind, and wouldn’t we see some evidence somewhere? Perhaps we do, and I’ll come back to that later, but for now let’s consider if it is possible for an advanced human civilisation to simply disappear, leaving no trace that they ever existed.

There’s a great YouTube video and blog by Aperture on this very subject (links below). In this documentary, the narrator poses the question what would happen to our world if all humans suddenly disappeared one day, what would become of our vast cities, our road networks, and our great buildings and infrastructure. The video production is superb, thought provoking and well worth a watch, but ultimately it boils down to the fact that virtually all evidence of our incredible civilisation would be gone within the first 1,000 years, leaving only iconic stone structures such as the Great Wall of China, the Pyramids of Giza, and Mount Rushmore. All evidence of our advanced civilisation, with the possible exception of a few fossilised bones, some plastic particulates, and whatever we have left on the surface of the moon or Mars, would be completely eradicated from the planet within 25,000 years. And all of this doesn’t take into account the potential effects a nuclear holocaust or some other global catastrophe such as a large comet strike might have, which could help speed up the eradication process.

So, if a civilisation can develop to an advanced stage and then be completely eradicated again (or be thrown back to the stone age) within 25,000 years, that would allow for eight such civilisations to flourish during the past 300,000 years of modern human existence, and we would know absolutely nothing about them.

But what if there were evidence of ancient, advanced civilisations, that we have either misunderstood or perhaps covered up for some reason?

You might be surprised to learn there is, lots of it, and it’s in plain sight.

Let’s have a brief look at some of the evidence.

Ancient Myths and Legends.

Every civilisation on earth has its origin stories, and every one of those stories contains the tale of a great global cataclysm of fire and flood that befell their ancestors and wiped out the great civilisation (or gods) that came before them. They all tell the same story. In India it's the story of Manu (the Indian Noah), rescued from the flood by Vishnu, in Greece it's the story of Deucalion and Pyrrha who survive the flood and regenerate mankind, the Maya too had their story of the end of the last world age, the ancient Dogon people of Mali in Africa and the Aboriginal peoples of Australia also had their flood stories, and of course there’s the Christian story of Noah from the Bible. If you want to find the origins of the story of Noah you need to go to Sumer, the land that is now Iraq where the 5,000 year old Epic of Gilgamesh tells essentially the same story that is told in the Bible of a warning given to one man that the gods were angry with mankind and were going to send a flood, and he must save what animals he could. The tendency of academics is to say that all these stories are nothing more than campfire tales, or even if they are recounting a real event, it would most likely have been some little local flood and the ‘not very bright’ people in that area imaginatively elaborated it into a global event.

In fact, we do now know there were huge global floods at the end of the last ice age, the short cooling period known as the Younger Dryas. This was around 11,600 years ago when something caused the great northern ice sheets to melt rapidly, and the resulting tsunamis triggered sea level rises of hundreds of feet over a very short space of time. Great floods affected the whole world at that time, wiping out entire species of megafauna and untold numbers of human settlers.

If you were to visit the Arabian Gulf (where the Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh epic comes from) towards the end of the last ice age, you would have found a dry Gulf. The only water there at that time would have been the combined streams of the Tigris and the Euphrates running through the otherwise completely dry land, forming a kind of Garden of Eden. This would have been one of the most attractive places to live on earth at that time, when most of the rest of the northern hemisphere was extremely cold, arid, and very inhospitable due to the effects of glaciation trapping vast quantities of the Earth’s water in great ice sheets covering most of North America and Europe. That was until just under 12,000 years ago when the whole Arabian Gulf became flooded, leaving us with the sea we have today.

This cannot all be mere coincidence. We are taught these stories are just myths and fables created by our inferior, half-witted ancestors. But why are all these ancient stories the same, from every culture in all corners of the globe? It seems more logical to me that the flood myths from around the world (amongst which of course we could include the story of Atlantis) are a memory of real events recorded in the myths and traditions of virtually every culture on Earth.

On the subject of Atlantis, it’s interesting that Plato, who is the earliest surviving source for the story of Atlantis, tells us that he learned about it from his relative Solon, who in turn had learned it from the ancient Egyptians, and that they spoke of a time nine thousand years before the time of Solon (that's about 11,600 years ago) when the wonderful civilization of Atlantis was destroyed in a single terrible day and night by flooding and earthquakes. Academics say that Plato made it all up, but if he did make it all up, it’s extraordinary that he should chose that specific date and time of 11,600 years ago for his story, which was as we now know, the peak of the meltdown of the last ice age when there was indeed flooding on a global and cataclysmic scale.

Pyramids and Ancient Megaliths:

One of the first images that comes to mind when we talk about ancient megalithic structures are of course the Egyptian pyramids. We can immediately visualise those three prominent sand-coloured monuments, standing majestically in the hot Cairo sun, surrounded by many tourists and camels. What most people perhaps are not aware of (because we’re not taught it in school), is the fact that literally hundreds of ancient pyramids have been discovered across five continents. These include vast stone pyramid structures in Central America, Europe, and Asia, including China, Cambodia and India, as well as many smaller structures spread all over the globe (with undoubtedly many more still waiting to be discovered). Even now, pyramids are regularly uncovered by archaeologists where they have remained hidden for thousands of years by overgrown vegetation, forests and even human settlements. These pyramids span multiple cultures across thousands of years, but interestingly all are of a very similar step design and construction, built using precision cut blocks of the hardest stone often weighing tens to hundreds of tons each, and frequently containing very similar carvings and inscriptions.

I shall be writing more on some of these lesser known, but no less remarkable pyramids in future articles, but for now let’s focus on the best known and totally awe-inspiring Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt. Apart from its obvious breath-taking size, the first thing you realise about the great Pyramid when you begin to uncover some of the facts surrounding its construction, is that astronomy is at the heart of its truly astounding design. The Great Pyramid is accurately aligned to true North, South, East and West to within three sixtieths of a single degree of true north. This is an incredibly accurate alignment, especially when you're dealing with a monument that has a footprint of 13 acres. It would be very hard to construct something of that size with that accuracy today. We could probably do it with the aid of computers, GPS and lasers, but it would be undoubtedly difficult, and the architects would almost certainly want to know why we needed it to be that accurate. They might of course accept we would like to build such an impressive monument, but must it really be within three sixtieths of a single degree of true North? That just takes the problem to a whole new level of difficulty.

This tells us that not only must astronomers have been involved in the original design and build of the Great Pyramid in order to achieve that level of accuracy, but also that it was really important to them and for some reason it mattered that it was that precise.

The narrative we are taught is that the Great Pyramid was built around 4,600 years ago as a tomb for the fourth dynasty Pharaoh Khufu, over a period of around 27 years.

We are told that the Great Pyramid was constructed from over 2.3 million stone blocks made from some of the hardest granites on Earth, with an average weight per single block of 2.5 tonnes, up to 80 tonnes. Although local quarries were used for most of the blocks, many of the larger, harder granite blocks were cut and transported from the Aswan quarry, some 528 miles (850 kilometres) south of the Giza Plateau site. These granite blocks were cut to the highest precision with perfectly square sides that can only be achieved through laser guided diamond cutting machine tools today. In addition to the very obvious machine cutting marks that are visible if you look for them, many of the blocks also contain large circular drill holes, which again in our modern world can only be achieved with diamond head high speed drill cutting techniques.

Let’s dissect that a bit. That’s 2.3 million granite blocks weighing anything from one to 80 tonnes each, many of which were transported from over 500 miles away. To get that done in 27 years, they would have had to have precision cut, lifted, transported, shaped, finished and fitted one block every six minutes, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year for 27 years without a break, and all with a few thousand slaves, some copper chisels, ropes and a few logs. Let’s not forget either that these 2.3 million blocks, many of which were made from some of the hardest granite on Earth, were fitted together so perfectly that you can't even get a sheet of paper between the joints. This wasn’t just thrown up; this was precision building. Compare that to cathedral building in Europe in the middle ages which took multiple hundreds of years for each construction.

Add to that the fact that no mummies or bodies of any kind have ever been found inside any of the pyramids on the Giza Plateau, and there are no markings, inscriptions, carvings or hieroglyphs anywhere inside any of the Giza pyramids. This would suggest that either Khufu had the biggest tomb in the history of mankind and the smallest ego, or this was not a tomb.

The reason the Great Pyramid is constrained to a 27-year construction timeline and dated at 2,700 BC by our historians, is purely to align the story of its construction with the reign of the great Pharaoh Khufu. As we know, stone itself cannot be carbon dated, but some organic materials found in the Great Pyramid were tested and found to fit roughly with Khufu timeline, and ‘Khufu Woz Here’ was discovered written in red paint on a wall at the top of the King’s Chamber sometime in the late nineteenth century, which ‘proved’ to the modern Egyptologists that Khufu must have built it 4,700 years ago. Had that been the case, you would have thought he'd have put his name all over the thing instead of just some bit of painted graffiti on a block high up in a chamber that nobody is ever going to see. But he didn't, it's absolutely bare, not even a single hieroglyphic or statue to his (or anyone else’s) name.

It’s also worth noting that all of the Pharaohs of Egypt are buried in the amazing Valley of the Kings, the traditional burial site for the Pharaohs, some 399 miles (642 km) from Giza.

So, all the signs would suggest the pyramids at Giza are not tombs. Perhaps they were designed and built for another purpose entirely and are more ancient than anyone previously thought, potentially belonging to a much older, more advanced civilisation that had the techniques and capabilities to build such an extraordinary and astronomically precise structure.

There is a lot of evidence to suggest exactly that.

At the Great Temple of Abydos we see Pharoah Seti’s record of all the kings of Egypt who had ruled before him, the ‘Abydos King List’. The list records all the historical Pharaoh's we know about, to around the date we would call 3,000 BC when the Egyptian civilization is supposed to have begun. However, it doesn't stop there. The list keeps on going back thousands and thousands of years before that, until the time of the gods that the ancient Egyptians called Zep Tepi (roughly translated as the first time), to the time of Osiris when the god’s brought civilization to Egypt. In the Temple of Edfu, there are whole walls covered with mysterious building texts which speak of a homeland of the primeval ones, they say it was an island where the gods lived until a great flood came and utterly destroyed it (Atlantis?). Those gods who survived came to Egypt and began to re-establish what they had before. They built what were called primeval mounds all over Egypt, which were to be the sites of all future temples and religious structures in Egypt. Another ancient story from the end of the last ice age 12,000 years ago?

Is it possible that some of the monuments of ancient Egypt are actually much older than modern Egyptologists tell us? Take for example the Great Sphinx of Giza. Robert Schoch and John Anthony West have done some extraordinary work on the rainfall erosion of the Sphinx which suggests that the Sphinx might actually be thousands of years older than it is supposed to be. Schoch and West propose that the erosion patterns in the trench surrounding the Sphinx can only be caused by exposure to thousands of years of heavy rainfall. The problem is that no such rainfall has fallen in Egypt since 2500 BC, when the Sphinx is supposed to have been built. You would have to go back to the end of the last ice age around 12,000 years ago to find the massive precipitation necessary to have caused the level of water erosion we see on the Sphinx today. If the Sphinx is over 12,000 years old, what about the rest of the buildings on the Giza Plateau?

The Giza Pyramids show evidence of salt incursion 120 feet up, which might be a strong pointer to a great oceanic flood 12,000 years ago, also suggesting they are far older than we are currently taught and were potentially built by a far more ancient, advanced prediluvian civilisation.

What's amazing to me is that the Giza pyramids are not unique. We are finding a similar story to this all over the world. Giant pyramids, megaliths and other artifacts that have all been created using vast quantities of granite. Granite is one of the hardest materials on the planet and according to the Mohs scale of mineral hardness, it simply cannot be cut using the soft copper chisels that were seemingly the only tools available to the Bronze Age people our history books tell us built these structures. The Mohs scale tells us that any material can only be cut by something that is harder than itself, which is why we use diamond cut blades to cut granite in modern times. We're seeing literally thousands of examples of multiple, perfectly symmetrical granite blocks, bowls, vases, statues and other artifacts that show evidence of machining, saw marks and perfectly round drill holes in Egypt and throughout South America, the Middle East and Asia that can only be created with precision machining, not copper chisels or stone hammers.

Gobekli Tepe

The recent discovery of Gobekli Tepe in Anatolia, Turkey has forever changed the way archaeologists look at the beginnings of human civilisation. This is currently deemed by mainstream science to be the oldest known megalithic site in the world since it was unearthed by Dr Klaus Schmidt in 1996.

Gobekli Tepi can perhaps best be described as a megalithic university. The site comprises a number of large circular structures supported by massive stone pillars, which are to date the world's oldest known megaliths. Many of the pillars unearthed so far are decorated with human figures and reliefs of wild animals. It also appears to be a huge astronomical temple or celestial library that was used to track a cycle on Earth known as the procession of the Equinox. Whoever the builders were, they must have had an in-depth understanding of the cosmos as each of the pillars has a different constellation engraved on it, mapping out the detailed procession of the heavens.

To date, only about five percent of the site has been excavated, although much of the remainder of the huge site has been mapped by x-ray. The Gobekli Tepi site is unique in that it was intentionally filled in by whoever used it and has remained hidden and protected for thousands of years. Why would they intentionally fill the site in? We can only speculate that this civilisation, whoever they were, knew that destruction was coming, and they buried the site to protect it. This is such an extensive site that it’s been calculated the amount of time it took to bury it probably took longer than it did to create it in the first place, which highlights just how important it must have been to them that they knew they had to protect it at all costs. Given that it was never dug up again would suggest that the people who tried to protect Gobekli Tepi never survived the cataclysm that fell upon them.

The fact that the site was filled in and has remained protected for all these years however did provide a unique opportunity for highly accurate radiocarbon dating of the organic-based microorganisms found lodged within the cracks of the stones buried within the site. This tells us the site was filled in around 12 000 years ago (there’s that date again), thereby doubling the age of any known civilisation that is supposed to have had the capabilities to create a site such as this.

So, the question is, who built the site and why was it located where it is? Why would you build such a monumental complex on the top of an otherwise desolate, rocky mountaintop?

The entire area of Anatolia prior to the appearance of Gobekli Tepe was as far as we know, inhabited only by hunter-gatherers. We can't see any evidence of the evolution or development of the unique skills these builders possessed, and there is no evidence of any previous settlements, agriculture or building structures in this, or in fact any other region of the world. It would seem that suddenly, without any background or any preparation, this huge megalithic site which is 50 times bigger than Stonehenge and incredibly sophisticated, suddenly appears out of nowhere on the top of a mountain.

Did a group of hunter-Gatherers in Turkey wake up one morning, magically inspired that they suddenly knew how to cut and quarry stone, move blocks weighing in some cases up to 50 tons across miles of terrain and up a mountain to create gigantic stone circles in an area with no water, and then bring in a labour force to create the world's first perfectly North-South aligned building (which involves an advanced knowledge of astronomy and measurement). Plus, to top it off, perhaps just as an afterthought, they decided at the same time to invent husbandry, seed technology and agriculture, because at the same moment that Gobekli Tepe pops up, agriculture appears for the first time in that same region of Turkey and marks the appearance of the oldest permanent human settlements anywhere in the world, again around 11 600 years ago.

It's obvious that a group of hunter-Gatherers didn’t just wake up suddenly equipped with all these skills. What we could be looking at here is a transfer of technology. Perhaps this was the work of a group of survivors of an older advanced civilisation that already knew how to create megaliths, how to manage agriculture and could read the stars. Perhaps they settled amongst the hunter-gatherer people who they may have reached out to and created this project to try and restart their own civilisation after it had been destroyed in a great flood or cataclysm. Perhaps the specific region or the land they chose, was conducive to what needed to be done there.

If all of that is true, it didn't quite work out as planned, but they certainly achieved something. They created this huge site, and they invented agriculture. It’s extraordinary to think that we are the descendants of those hunter gathers and their teachers, and the agriculture we have in the world today began in the area around Gobekli Tepe some 11,600 years ago.

In fact, these stories of a teacher (or God) visiting our hunter-gatherer ancestors during the upper Palaeolithic period to teach them selected skills and give them the gifts of civilisation (as if it were some kind of outreach programme), do crop up in the myths and legends of most cultures from around the world.

Could it really be that the survivors of a lost civilisation wiped out during the cataclysmic episode that immediately preceded 11 600 years ago chose Anatolia as one of the places where they would settle and attempt to rebuild, or recreate what had been lost?

We will perhaps never know…or will we?

Once we have uncovered the remaining 90% of Gobekli Tepe, excavated Karahan Tepe (another similar site found close to Gobleki Tepe), and started work on yet another new site we’re going to be hearing a lot about in the future called Zernaki Tepe, which is the newest archaeological discovery in the world (only found in 2018), and perhaps one of the most significant archaeological finds in the last 50 years, we may have more answers.

In this same high plateau region of Anatolia, just north of ancient Mesopotamia, we also find the largest set of ancient underground cities in the world, capable of holding more than 20,000 people. Is this mere coincidence again that these civilisations went to such great lengths to create deep underground cities like Derinkuyu? What were they trying to protect themselves from?

We’re also now finding evidence that even the sites in Egypt might have been deliberately buried too, and that the dynastic pharaohs that came later potentially just uncovered them. We’re starting to see the same thing around the world, stories, legends and evidence that these ancient civilizations seem to have had an awareness of coming cataclysmic events and tried to protect themselves and their iconic structures. Or perhaps they buried these structures to send a message down the ages to us, as a warning to future generations of potential cyclical cataclysmic events that might be coming to destroy our civilisation.

We may never know, but surely it makes sense to investigate and research this topic in a much more open and constructive way than is currently the case. The amazing work of Graham Hancock, Matthew LaCroix, Robert Schoch, John Anthony West, Brien Foerster, Jimmy Corsetti, Ben Van Kerkwyk, Praveen Mohan, and many, many other professional researchers in this field is belittled, ignored, vilified and often completely censored by many mainstream archaeologists for some reason. Why is the current historical narrative we are taught protected so aggressively with this kind of research often banned at many of these amazing sites around the world, and alternative views of history based on real facts vilified as pseudo archaeology? What could be the reason?

I’m not sure, but one thing I do know is that I will keep on researching and working hard to get at the truth.

Let me know your thoughts and theories on our fascinating history and the possibility that ancient, advanced civilisations existed in the deep past.

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